- Oct 15, 2015
October's Deadliest Calling Strategies
Utilize these custom-matched calling tactics to attack and exploit top-heavy bucks throughout the month of October.
Utilize these custom-matched calling tactics to attack and exploit top-heavy bucks throughout the month of October.
While the gobble of a love sick tom can be some of the most exciting hunting of the year, many hunters choose to pursue our feathered friends during the fall turkey season! Worlld Champion caller and professional turkey hunter, Chris Parrish, is here to offer some expert advice about hunting Fall vs Spring Turkeys.
With the sounds of shotgun blasts in the spring turkey woods dissipating, it is time to think about where your turkey calls will spend the days until next year’s turkey season. Here are some tips from Chris Parrish about storing your turkey calls after the spring turkey season.
Mimicking the sounds of an owl early in the morning is an excellent way to elicit a shock gobble and determine the location of the turkey you are hunting. Grandview Outdoors has put together 3 Tips Turkey Hunters Need For Owl Calling that are sure to help you during the spring.
Without question, a shock call can be one of the most valuable tools that you carry into the spring woods this season. For good reason, shock calls enable you to effectively locate and monitor the current movement or directional travel path of gobblers. These calls have excellent volume, which means you can make contact from extended distances and during windy conditions that often impair a longbeard’s ability to hear a traditional-style hen call. Plus, shock calls allow you to pinpoint a gobbler without actually persuading him to approach your calling position.
“Getting feathers ruffled and tempers flaring brings up another lethal tactic that can really pay huge dividends when gobblers are whipped and locked-down by the ladies. Strategically simulating a fight with your calling can coax an entire flock to your setup in a hurry!
“When I first started chasing longbeards, I strictly followed many of the so-called laws or golden rules of turkey hunting. As a result, my personal experiences, mistakes, and success in the field have taught me that many of these rules simply don’t hold water. For example, I had once read that a turkey hunter should never call directly to a hen that is accompanied by a longbeard. According to the theory, this will only trigger a jealous response that will cause the hen to lead the gobbler off in the opposite direction."
Many hunters buy a deer call, use it once or twice, don't see a deer and throw it in a drawer along with all of the other stuff they believe they were duped into buying. These hunters have forgotten about one of the most basic elements of success in any hunting equation - timing.
When you’re hunting a trophy buck, all bets are off. Trophy bucks have reached their large sizes because they’re smart and not easily tricked. Deer-hunting legend and co-founder of Knight & Hale Game Calls Harold Knight says the ability to call deer gives you a bit more control over a sport for which so much is out of your control. He also likes that calling adds some action to the sitting and waiting game.