The white-tail deer rut is the single most talked about aspect of hunting, yet may also be the most commonly misunderstood. The rut can be broken down into three distinct phases: the pre-rut, peak of the rut and the post-rut.
When you’re hunting a trophy buck, all bets are off. Trophy bucks have reached their large sizes because they’re smart and not easily tricked. Deer-hunting legend and co-founder of Knight & Hale Game Calls Harold Knight says the ability to call deer gives you a bit more control over a sport for which so much is out of your control. He also likes that calling adds some action to the sitting and waiting game.
The world-record rack from an 8-point Minnesota whitetail killed by a poacher in 2009 has attracted many gawkers since the Department of Natural Resources started displaying it at special events around the state.
September’s early goose seasons are coming up and hunters are more than ready to unload some steel from the barrel of their favorite shotgun. Dove fields will be active soon but the waterfowl season begins a lot sooner for those that are able to take advantage of this hunting opportunity. Follow these simple tips to help you eliminate nuisance honkers.
If you want to start an in-depth discussion with a hunter or with a gun enthusiast, just bring up the topic of bullets. The truth of the matter is that there’s an array of awesome bullets that are effective for hunting, no matter what your gun or quarry of choice. As well, there are very few “bad” bullets. In fact, you’ll find that there are many options that can meet your needs and that can provide the performance characteristics you desire.
Without question, it can be extremely difficult to tangle with call-shy longbeards that refuse to cooperate and have bad attitudes. Outside factors such as lopsided hen-to-gobbler ratios, periods of intense hunting pressure, increased predator encounters and even the weather can cause gobblers to be tight-beaked or non-responsive. When facing these tough hunting conditions, you need to switch gears and exploit call-shy longbeards with the following customized calling tactics and strategies that will get the job done.
Don’t put away your game camera once deer season is over. Use it to track turkeys, and you’ll punch more tags than a champion caller. A game camera can uncover a daily pattern of turkey activity including roosting sites, feeding areas, travel routes, and strut-zones. Easily differentiate high-traffic areas from stagnant zones to make your hunting productive, even during late season when gobblers are call-shy and hard to find. From effective calls, to traps and tricks, your strategies are endless when scouting turkeys with a Moultrie game camera and our helpful tips. For the full story, visit
Want to preserve your trophy buck? Follow our tips and protect your prizewinner long after it leaves the taxidermist. To remove dust and cobwebs, reverse your vacuum’s suction, and blow air along the animal’s hair pattern—not against it. Use liquid wood cleaner to polish antlers, and clean hair with a soft rag dampened with Windex. Place your trophy in a location away from direct sunlight and heat to prevent dry out and discoloration. For more advice on caring for your buck, read the full story at