Want to preserve your trophy buck? Follow our tips and protect your prizewinner long after it leaves the taxidermist. To remove dust and cobwebs, reverse your vacuum’s suction, and blow air along the animal’s hair pattern—not against it. Use liquid wood cleaner to polish antlers, and clean hair with a soft rag dampened with Windex. Place your trophy in a location away from direct sunlight and heat to prevent dry out and discoloration. For more advice on caring for your buck, read the full story at SummitStands.com.
As you transition to mid and late season turkey hunting, remember that this can be a very tough time to attract a Tom that has been pressured. Also, as the season wears on many of the hens are ready to breed and spending nearly all day with the gobblers. Try these tactics during your mid season turkey hunts.
When used correctly, turkey decoys can attract a nice gobbler into range, tilting the odds for success in your favor, but if used in correctly, they can cause that same gobbler to head for the hills.