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Man Using Push/Pull Turkey Call

The Humble Push/Pull Turkey Call

The unpretentious push/pull call is often overlooked by expert turkey hunters, but this easy-to-run turkey call can offer some of the most unique, realistic and consistent sounds that pressured birds might not have had thrown at them.

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Hunter Using Deer Call

Put Down the Grunt Call

Sure, the grunt call gets all the press, but sometimes it takes a different kind of sound to bring in the big buck. Here are a few deer calling tips that will have you on using the full range of deer vocalizations to your advantage.

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Man Holding Deer Call

Deer Calling Guide

Need a quick refresher in deer calling? It's never too early or too late to refresh your memory on how, when and why to use grunts, bleats, rattles and snort wheezes. Our friends at Bone Collector put together the perfect Deer Calling Guide just for that.

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Turkey Walking in Field

The Thrill Of Hunting 2-Year Old Turkeys

Every turkey hunter dreams of that “tow rope” longbeard hammering on the early morning roost, only to pitch down and work in on a string to your setup. So, with thousands of gobblers flopping every spring, what birds are we killing? Enter the two year old tom!

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